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The three wonders that science ever produced are Time, Space and Gravity. Scientists of all generations had followed to study and understand them, but more they understood, more they complicated but that also made it more interesting too, hence they become wonders of Science.

On this Twenty first century, these wonders are staring and smiling on scientists, or more likely to humans, as we facing limitations to our knowledge and physical capabilities to study more about them. But nothing is limited to use our “Imaginations”, it is one of the most powerful tool of human mind ever explored. Imagination always drove us to new worlds & experiences and you will find a great imaginative mind behind this to lead us. Nolan is one of those leaders, he led us to a new world and experience through his latest movie called "Interstellar".

The film science more leaned on a platform of imagination, but it's an exciting two and half hours of travelling, which takes the road of many human explorations of Science, creation, existence and survival.

There might be many reasons that holding back a viewer to understanding Interstellar, sometime film shows beyond what an ordinary human can digest, but this movie doesn’t stand for understanding it stands for ‘Experiencing’. Experience of human instincts, experience of survival, emotional peek over, science paradoxes, multi-dimensional space, time proxy, relativity. It’s a really nice to experience through an imaginative world created by Nolan where only Time, Space and Gravity lives.

Nolan sharing the fact that, whatever this world going to face, how much damage it does, always humans are the one to choose our own existence in this universe. Human is the past, the present as well as the future. ‘They’ had always been for us to save.

One of the all-time classic Science fiction movie, Andrei Tarkovsky’s ‘Solaris’ released in 1972 taken me through a similar experience, which is a meditative Psychological drama deal with thoughts and consciousness of cosmonaut scientists, but Tarkovsky guided his thoughts to give a new emotional and intellectual depth through Solaris, while on the other side Interstellar created with graphics and effects enhancing me to walk through the new exciting path which Nolan minds carried.

Those who wants to enjoy Interstellar more, I am highly suggesting you to watch some episodes of ‘Through the Wormhole’, American science documentary series narrated and anchored by Morgan Freeman.  It discuss about Wormholes, Black holes, Space-time, 11 dimensional Gravity etc. in detail and in the simple way.

Go and watch Interstellar and experience it yourself. I will give rating 8.5 out of 10 for this movie, anyway am going to watch it again.        

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