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Neelakasham Pachakadal Chuvanna Bhoomi (NPCB,Malayalam,2013) Review by The-StarSMS

******Neelakasham Pachakadal Chuvanna Bhoomi (NPCB)******

Life is something that is said to be a Journey
A Journey that travel to a destination that is unknown ,
A journey that encounters with our feelings,
A journey for searching of answers for the questions that will quench our inner soul's thirst ..

These words comes from my mind after seeing this film,but overall feeling that i get after watching this is beyond this. 

NPCB is a journey of two voyages Kasi(Dulquer) & Suni (Sunny Wayne) in legend motorcycle ROYAL EN-FIELD "Made like a gun, goes like a bullet" via fun,adventures,fear,passion and Love . Film take us to explore seven states starting from Kerala,Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh/ Telungana , Orissa ,West Bengal,Sikkim and ends in Nagaland .

Kasi inspired from a book about a famous bike journey ''Long Way Down''.

Kasi starts journey to find answers for some questions and journey gives him answers that he was searching for .Suni his best friend , also a bike fanatic accompanies with him.While they travel they meet different people and through different scenarios, that gave them new perspectives of real life.
As he reach 'Puri' he met a Surf girl Ishita ,she shares the golden rule of surf riding 
''One man one wave''
Kasi realizes that this is actually what he really endeavors in this journey course.After Ishita fall in love with Kasi,he leaves from there and write to his diary 
''May be Ishita is my keY to happiness, but this happiness is not the thing i want'. 
Kasi & Suni reaches interiors of Kolkata and there they meet a person which is being played by famous Bengali actor Dhritiman Chatterjee,he leaves his acting behind him and lives as the native leader of village .It was very admirable when the song "beli koodeerangale..............." was mentioned by him .

And i was really inspired by engineering when kasi designed a Motor Rice flour Mill (first time from a malayalam movie).

Kasi thought this journey is Freedom ,Freedom to express himself , Freedom to express his life.He wants to be fly like Kite with out any string,but later he realized it is all fear itself which he is running from himself. 

one of the BEST REALISTIC ROAD TRIP MOVIE (more suited is RIDING MOVIE) i have ever seen in any language and One of the best Malayalam movie released in 2013.Movie really got some Class,it is telling story through visuals rather than literature (except in flashbacks)point of view,that means dialogues are only in the required areas and this is what really needed in visual based 'Art' called CINEMA .

'Cinema oru dhrishya madhymum aanello.Ennal verum dhrishyungal(visuals)kondu mathrum nalla cinema undaakanam ennu illa.athinullil kalakaarante aathmamudhra athva dharshanam(vision)undaavenam'. 
(and Also)
'Like any other media Cinema should achieve communication.One who thinks like communication is the only possible through words, cant make real cinema.Dialogues are just one possibility from many possibles of cinema.'

(Famous Visionary Malayalm Film Driector) 

Somehow this film justifies to this. 

Well credited acting from Dulquer(but repetitive type cast character is continuing),Sunny Wayne,Dhritiman Chatterjee,Ishitha(surf girl),Joy Mathew & all others and special credit to Kasi's soul lover Assi(Surja Bala) ,as she suited for a Nagamese-Malyalee role. 

Girish Gangadharan's cinematography was Awesome and light setting was well suited ,Well Known Sreekar Prasads Editing was appreciable , Rex Vijayans Music give mileage to the movie and Top class direction from Sameer Thahir, who completely visioned this movie in his mind, is beyond describable. 

I can proudly say this film is from My motherland and in My Mothertongue.

So Get up and Ready to go for A Thrilling ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Recommended to all trip lovers) 

My Rating-8.5/10 

Theatre:Newly Opened Remya,Kollam(2 K projection,11.1 auro audio)

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