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AKAM (അകം )- REVIEW by TheStarSMS


Consider yourself in this story

 You are an energetic beautiful young man who have a good job, good earning, and a beautiful girl to hangout. You have everything right now for a beautiful life. But suddenly something happens to your life, a life turning event, ‘an Accident’, a car accident that changed your life.

 On the first thought you will thank god for saving your life from it, but later you realize that you have lost something that depends your life itself.
You start to tolerate with your new environment, new life but you couldn’t accept the most disturbing vacant space, ’she’, your ‘love’, you can’t live without her, but she doesn’t want to live with a person whose half face is irritable accidental mark.
Like petals falling from a beautiful flower, everything starts falling apart from you one by one.Only thing that left behind is you and your space,’ Loneliness  becomes your best friend   .You struggle to withstand, you start to see the other paradigms of life, a colorless life.

But one day you met a young lady from nowhere, who is more beautiful than your ex-girlfriend, and she doesn’t bothered about your half face mark or any physical loss but only bothered about your character, your love and more importantly ‘you’. You start loving her and you start loving to spend time with her and think your life reached back to normal, everything was ok.

But sudden changes cannot be acceptable to a normal human being, because you are different from other less capable person. Now you start questioning yourself and even you start to realize that you didn’t even know whereabouts of this ‘new girlfriend’ and it is unbelievable that she is with you all the time without knowing much each other. You started to search for her whereabouts and you found some shocking conclusion that, she is not the kind of lady you expected and more over she isn't even a lady but only a beautiful blood sucking YAKSHI ”  .

What will you do at this stage? This is the similar stage when ‘Sreeni’ realize about ‘Ragini’.

The movie AKAMwill give you an answer.

About the movie, 'AKAM' is such a movie which will haunt you even after you finish watching the film. The movie begins at a seashore where two legs following the footprints of someone, who after following two or three steps, footprints starts to diminish and diminish then it’s gone!. It was actually Sreeni who is following footprints of Ragini but we realize that it is beginning of his search to find his ‘ YAKSHI ’. And the fact is he founds her.

Anyway the movie want to share you many things like, about relations, spaces, reality, fantasy, myths, life, death and many more.    Every scenes have got something for you, something that disturbing you, which leads to mysteries, mysteries leads to searching, searching ends in silence, each silence in the scenes helps to reach you a place where you doesn’t want to exist.    While watching this movie you will have only one mind, a Decipher mind, nothing less.

Location of film, Trivandrum city has a great role in this film, city help us to portrait sreeni’s mind-sets in the film. Also the indoor scenes whether it is flats or office, it got enough wall mirrors inside which always helps us to see the reflections of everyone’s life, inside a life.  

It was a well-executed screenplay from a adaption of a Novel   

'AKAM’ is written & Directed by Shalini Usha Nair, she has taken this film in to an International standard. There is a theater collapse scene, which really a shaken scene is taken without any graphics but through reality approach fully through her talent, this scene is enough to know what she is capable of.

It is happy to see good cinematography works from a foreigner, Christopher John Smith, in Malayalam cinema. Arunima Shankar’s editing is well suited .These three people brilliantly executed to put this movie in to screens with lots of life inside in it. Music is well tuned to drag us in to the mood.

On the acting side Fahadh Fazil is the one who won the medal, it was an intelligent work from him, he is the force that attracts us to the screen. Anumol’s (yakshi) acting executed well from paper to the screen. Her long hair, beautiful eyes and whole makeup & costumes contributed to her performance. Special set of warm yellow-whitish lighting was given to her (and scenes with others also), gives a strong presence in scenes. Sync sound Audio recording boost the scenes with adequate balance of silence and sounds.  Every others both in technical and acting side supported well to took this movie, where it now belongs.

 And Thanks to Hanzo films to bring this film to us.

AKAM’ is a movie that we can proud for a Malayalam cinema lover. And it is one of the BEST adapted screenplay (or remake) in Malayalam cinema.AKAM needs some recognition, so watch it and share your views.
My Rating: 7.75/10   




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