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First of all i like to share my views about two questions,

Why mass films are being made? How SINGAM II got this wide release and acceptance? 

In last issue of vanitha magazine there was an interview with suriya ,in which he told that “ An actor has wide variety of audience in a theatre ranging from an IIT student to local autorickhsaw driver in Chennai ,so when i doing a film need to think about each one” .AND Also Tamil cinema culture has strong roots for masala/fantasy/mass films, Many people in south india like to see hero's extra ordinary performances in screen which they can’t see in real life but they wished to do, and that’s why they treat their hero’s as God. 

SINGAM was a blockbuster in Tamilnadu and its remake in Hindi,Kannada, Telugu(dubbed) and Bengali were blockbusters. Even though SINGAM (as a film) was mostly accepted by suriya fans(especially single screens in villages,rural areas etc) , the character ACP DURAI SINGAM was well accepted in audience.So no wonder SINGAM II made an impact. 


SINGAM II is a decent flick which is purely made for suriya fans and i think Hari succeeded to some extent. With no twist or suspense film moves on a heavily packed pace assisted by Camera works ( split cam, helicam shots ) and Editing(fast forwarding type). 

Pros of SINGAM II: 

1) Suriya ,he is fully energized from start to end, he showed the real power of DCP. He switches fast between a comedy, action and romance scenes , improved dance steps (but songs were average ). 

2) Camera-top views of Tuticorin was great but repetition shots made it unworthy ,I won’t say great camera but descent work suited for the film & fast forwarding Editing was important part in the story telling. 

3) Descent comedy performance from Santhanam & Vivek , happy to see Vivek back with the same energy as in past. 

4) Actions & stunt (HARI showcased some new action mixed with ordinary action sequences) and I liked BGM of DSP .

5) Some dialogs were sweet advices for fans from Suriya ,I liked to share one
Suriya : "AMMA sonna non veg indru saappittu koodathe." 
Hansika’s Father:"Neenga amma appa pullai pole irkku"
Suriya : "Amma Appa thaane ellaam, avar sonnath kekkaathu vere aaru sonathu kekkum" 


1)Story-there is nothing new to project on story just old wine in new bottle labeled with DURAI SINGAM. 

2) Length-film is 2:45 duration; there were some comedy scenes of santhanam which is really unwanted.

3)PROMOTION of SPONSORS(it didn’t affect the story but it is little too much) –Suriya riding only in HERO    bike ,everyone in film only use SAMSUNG mobile phones and the only customer care in Tamilnadu is still      AIRCELL in Suriya films.

4) Tamil mass films are still in the same pattern but this time HARI taken it to next level by speaking punch   dialogues in Hindi as well as English  .I think this will be the next trend

5) Nothing changes ,HARI was bored with chase shooting in Indian roads ,in this film climax, he just          shifted chase to South Africa but nothing else . And now people of South Africa knows how we          chase  in India  .And another interesting thing happened in the screen ,one of the police officer            amazed with  suriya's Singam style running & action, he ask to other police : how he do that? 

He replied: it must be some Indian technique  

So we just wow'ed them too.

These type films need two genre of rating 
in entertainment view : 7/10 
In real cinema lover view : 4.5/10 

Status: 75%

Theatre: NAYANAM, Adoor. 

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