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MUMBAI POLICE (Malayalam,2013) Review by The-StarSMS


I like the effort taken by Bobby & Sanjay for this film.i liked their idea or story plot used in this film which i didnt seen even in hollywoods. And one more man amazed me who is jayasuriya,he show some real APC power through his acting eventhough more scenes & bgm's help prithviraj as hero ,jayasuriya made clear his role as a hero in the film.I congratulate prithvi to take this role. 

The film starts lot of questions and Prithvi search for the answers and ends in unexpected climax.

But this film didnt bang the 'real part'.This whole story plot can be showcased in a better way.The main negative of film is you sir Roshan Andrews ,the director,when i seen 'udayananu thaaram' & 'notebook' i became his fan , but i doubted it now.

This film good example for it, his weakness,the main thing wanted in this film is " creating a quest" in viewers mind and screenplay giving it to some extends but no effort from direction point of you...

AND background music at some scenes where drastic, it sounds like music note playing from broken sitar *tung.......tung....*.

AND its not a perfect screenplay, there are many question still unanswered and in this film there is less explanation for medical case happened in the movie and its not excepting from bobby sanjay script..

overall the film is watchable. 

MY RATING :A movie which should be a 8,9/10 film(with proper screen play and direction)fall to this movie with rating 7.65/10.

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