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Amen അമേൻ (Malayalam,2013) Review by The-StarSMS

Amen Malayalam Movie Review Amen Malayalam Movie Reviewed by THESTARSMS on . Amen is charming, funny, romantic, bright ,divine and full of life ‘AMEN’ is a movie which puts 100% justice for the movie caption ‘’A Divine comedy”, it’s interesting because in these time all films have a caption Even though they didn’t get any idea about “what it meant by?’’ . Rating: 4

Ha!! After a short time, here again I come with my new status…..

Ya, as you think, it’s another review …..What else I have to share about with u all Guyz??

Ok, The film I watched today was Lijo Jose Pellissery ‘s new film “AMEN”. 

I think there is enough things to talk about this movie(it may take longer), ‘AMEN’ is a movie which puts 100% justice for the movie caption ‘’A Divine comedy”, it’s interesting because in these time all films have a caption Even though they didn’t get any idea about “what it meant by?’’ . 

The film is interesting from starting to end and for about two and half hours you will live in a village called "Kumaramkari’’ and you will become one of them as the movie goes,"Kumaramkari’’ got something for you. The film revolves around the lives of a Church and the Church own band, one’s famous for their performance, now going through their tough times and how is Solomon(Fahad) & Shoshanna (Swathy reddy,Subramaniyum fame) loves succeed through among their crooked mind relatives and is Vincent Vattoli (Indrajith) can do anything for ’Kumaramkari” ? And there is another interesting thing, the film didn't say when the whole story is happening ,may be little back ,may be too back,i dont know , you decide it after watching. 

AND another thing guys, if you are expecting “AMEN” as a movie that would tag with new trend called

Ohhh…ohhh.. what was that? ya got it …..!!!

’new generation movie’

Sorry my friend, I am afraid you had mistaken. You can’t tag this film in that because this is different, this is “AMEN” .

I will give you 5 reasons to watch “AMEN” 

  1.  The whole film presentation, I am sure you will experience something new from this film. It rewritten all conventions and introduce a new pattern of storytelling to Malayalam industry. Well written screenplay and direction. And I think that is what needed in a good movie, isn’t it? 
  2.  Performance of Actors, Art works, Graphics, Costumes, Cinematography are top notch and you will love songs visuals, (especially single shot ‘SHAP SONG’, Solomanum Shoshannayum song, Indrajith ‘s vattolli song) .AND FOR THIS TREAT , THANKS TO OUR CAPTAIN LJIO JOSE PELLISSERY AND HIS TEAM.
  3.  In “AMEN” you will see things that you never expected. Because there are only few films in the world that dealt with ’Divine comedy’. 
  4.  Its YOUR VALID TIME, and why do you waste your precious time on recent so called Malayalam bloopers???in this year itself about 50 Malayalam films were released and you know in which how many of them are deserved to be called ‘A FILM’…??
Sorry, I spoke little longer, I told you na??Anyway here is 
In short Amen is charming, funny, romantic, bright ,divine and full of life. 

MY RATING:8.275/10

STATUS  : 60 %

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