List of The Best and Smart Picks of 2014 This is list of Top Malayalam movies of 2014 released so far, picked by certain criteria of rating by us and various reviewers in online (like Indiavision Box Office,Now running,etc.…) and this is not ranked or placed in any order but just top movies list(We will rank this list with 10 movies using our rating system and detail description during December) . We released this list to help you pick up the best movies of the year, to buy or add to your own playlist without any further searching. This list will also help you to pick the real pearl from tons of movie trash released in 2014, so far. But keep remained that, this list violable to change in any time as other best movies releases and inserted in the list, we will keep update this list as much as we can. Thank you. This list includes only Commercial films or the movies rel...